Labels:black | darkness OCR: = Class (TObject) Private FX, FY Longint; Function GetCoord (Index: Integer): Longint; Procedure SetCoord (Index: Integer; Value: longint); Public Property X: Longint index 1 read GetCoord Write Set Coord Property Y Longint index 2 read Get Coord Write Set Coord Property Coords [Index: Integer ] Read Get Coord; end; Procedure TPoint. Set Coord (Index: Integer; Value: Longint); begin Case Index of 1 FX = Value; : 2 FY = Value; end; end; Function TPoint. GetCoord (INdex Integer) Longint; begin Case Index of 1: Result = FX; 2 Result := FY; : end; end; Var P TPoint; begin P = TPoint.create; P.X := 2; P.Y := 3; With P da WriteLn (I='‚X‚ ' _Y='‚Y); Type T Point end.